“The Flew” much like “Clearwater” (Read Review Here) is a throwback film to the very roots of the silent error where all movies started out. Shot in Black and White with no sound expect some music and sound effects, and of coarse the famous title cards made so famous during the silent era to help tell the audience the story. This movie has all that, the fell of an early 1900’s film during the silent era. The makeup the actors even wear to the set’s make it feel like one of those old films, that’s what make this film such a unique piece of cinema. However it does have it flaws as all movie do, It’s very long, maybe too long for some viewers who might find it boring. That’s ok it’s not a film for everyone. it’s a piece of art, it’s a great film designed to inspire and make people remember the roots of filmmaking. I give Clifton Childree a lot of credit and a lot of respect for pulling this film off. He basically did everything for this wrote, produced, shot, directed and edited, and yes even stared in the film, while shooting it, to do what he did takes a lot of patience and talent and he pulled it off just right. The Flew is playing at a few festivals around the U.S. and is available to buy though the website (Link Above). Do You Feel Sick!

-Horror Bob