“The Final Cut” is a film that was barely out in theaters, It only had a very limited release and I’m very surprised that it never got a wider one. Now that’s it made it’s way onto DVD I hope more movie fans will pick it up, because it’s a good movie.
“The Final Cut” is a simple film, it has a twisty ending yet the story is simply and straight to the point. Starring Robyn Williams, whom plays a “cutter”. Basically the story goes like this: There are people who can afford to have this microchip put in their brains that records their everyday life. When that person dies, they extract this chip from their head and bring it to a video lab, where a cutter can take the best moments of their life and put a “family” movie together for their family to watch. Well Robyn Williams whom play’s Alan in the film is one of the best cutters around, however he has a memory from his childhood that comes back to haunt him when he’s cutting together someone memories. Well without spoiling the plot for you the suspense starts off from there.
The acting in the film is great, Robin Williams has always been one of my favorite actors, he can be really funny in a role or be very serious, (I think he got robbed of an Oscar nod for One Hour Photo.) the man is just great in this role and there is not one joke that comes from his mouth. Although there are some supporting parts by Mira Sorvino (Mimic) and Jim Caviezel (Passion of the Christ). The movie mainly revolves around Williams character Alan.
As far as effects go there is not much in the way of CGI, however the shots that they did use with CGI and green screen worked well. The story had more of a great visual sense with the use of camera angles and set design. Hardly any special effects were used, and it made the film that much better.
Overall I think “The Final Cut” deserved to have a wider release in theaters, but it didn’t, so pick it up on DVD and watch a few times, It’s a simple film with a straight forward story. I enjoyed it and I’m sure you will too.
– Horror Bob
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