Ok yet again we have another erotic thriller from Seduction Cinema. Ok yes another dick tease film that tries to have a good story and can drive any man or boy nuts with the hot girls they put in them. But the lack of hardcore action in all the Seduction Cinema films is sometimes kind of a let down. I mean seriously they have all these hot naked chicks and they give us a film that equal to watching the playboy channel during the 1980’s. So! Ok! We established that.

“Flesh for Olivia” is about a girl named, you guessed it, Olivia who pretty much is a call girl, who likes to pleasure men. She owes this dirtbag, asshole pimp so money, and instead of giving him cash she get’s these first timer girls to make love to her on camera while this guy records it for profit, however the lovemaking starts to get a little crazy when Olivia starts choking the girls with stockings. This film is actually the sequel to “Silk Stocking Strangler” which I have never seen.

Overall, frankly I was bored with this film, Sure it had Misty Mundae and Julian Wells are in it and their always a pleasure to watch, but frankly all these films are pretty much the same thing. However this one has a boring story that I personally took no interest in. Well let me be fair, if you love soft-core and it gets you off, then yeah this is well worth watching, cause it’s full of very hot looking girls. If your looking for a story, well you’ll probably be disappointed.

– Horror Bob