It’s good to see Shock-O-Rama and E.I. Cinema put out a B-movie that has more of a serious story to it, rather than just a bunch of nude girls running around covered in blood and gore. Now don’t get me wrong, In “Feeding The Masses” there is a topless scene, but that’s pretty much it for the film as far as nudity goes.

Now “Feeding The Masses” is just another basic zombie movie, the story is about a group of news reporters who really want to let the world know the truth; that the world is being slowly taken over by zombies. However the government is using the news station to sugar coat the problem and letting the public know that the problem has been contained and is being taken care of. Which is not the case. The story then follows our news crew out on the streets, trying to let the public know that there really is a problem.

“Feeding The Masses” is your basic b-movie, it has the bad acting, cheap sets and your usual basic special effects. There is nothing really special to say about it production value wise. However what the film thrives on is it’s story and it’s script. The story has a message behind it, and like most of George Romero’s zombie films, there is more to the story than just frightening zombie and scares. Their is a message about us as the human race, and the crazy things we do to the world we live in. “Feeding the Masses” is a good film for that simple fact. With horror films most people watch them to be scared, but they don’t realize the message the filmmaker is trying to get across.

So overall if your a horror fan and also happen to be a fan of everything that makes a b-movie. Then you’ll enjoy “Feeding the Masses”. This film is a great attempt of taking all the camp of a B-movie and giving the film a message that can make people think.

– Horror Bob