It’s no secret if you read my reviews for the first two film of this trilogy that I loved the first film and though the second film was one of the worst horror films of 2008. So I’m one for one, while not give the third film a go and see where it goes from here. Well there is some good and bad news. The good news is that it is better than the second film. The bad news is that it’s slightly better than the second one.

Feast III: The Happy Finish starts off where part two left off. We get a little bit of a recap about how it ended, and the we find the remaining members of the clan fighting their way off the rooftop and making it to the jail. From there all hell breaks loose again. The creatures find there way into the jail and some people are killed, while others escape. The remaining cast is about to try and make a getaway on a school bus, but then a mysterious hooded man shows up who has the power to make the beasts go away. He advises them that the only way out is though the sewer system. They all decide that it’s got to be the best solution to find help. But not only will the creatures be on their tales but a new breed of half monster/half humans live in the sewers as well as a new super creature, and they are no more as friendly as the creatures themselves. Now the survivors are in for another big fight as they try to get their way to the big city and get some help.

The script is just as silly, crazy and ridiculous as the second film and going into this one you really need to throw all thoughts of reality out the door. The script is full of many things that just don’t make sense and some of the character that you thought there was no way in hell they were going to live after what happened to them in part two, well they do live, and die all over again in a sense. Overly profane dialogue and over the top unrealistic things are what shed blood all over the pages of this script. Pretty much prepare for a story that is so out there, and so over the top with screwed up idea and a lot of gore, that it really makes no sense, but at the same time it does make sense. If you catch what I’m saying. Pretty much you have to throw reality out the door and just go with it.

To sum up the movies production as a whole; the acting is just so-so nothing good but not half bad either. The production value is better than it is in the second film, as it seems most of this film was not done on a sound stage with an obvious green screen behind the make shift sets. No, this film was probably shot on a sound stage but better sets were erected and dressed better than the second film. The special make-up and visual effects of course are over the top, but they do actually look pretty good. There is without a doubt enough gore to go around ten times over in this one. So in a nutshell, the movie does have a better overall look than the previous movie did.

FEAST 3 had a lot of things that really made no sense at all. The first thing is the box cover which shows characters on the front cover that are not even the main focus of the film. Second one of the characters from the first film had a pipe go though his head and he’s walking around pretty much the whole film with a pipe in his brain like it’s no big deal. Another character gets screwed in the ass by a creature and is impregnated by it in less than thirty seconds. One of the side character gets both arms ripped off, and is still walking around like it’s no big deal, fighting creatures with his legs. And then the film ends so fucking weird, that you wonder why the investors of this film actually put their money into it.

Overall, I don’t know what the hell I just watched, but it had to be one of the most ridiculous, un-sensible ending to a movie ever. I can’t knock it for it’s production value and it’s all out gore. But I honestly think that director John Gullagar really didn’t give two shits about making this movie so he decided to make it the most incoherent movies ever made. I don’t get it. I know people who have such great talent and have written scripts which I have had the pleasure of reading, and they can’t get anyone to make it. But push a piece of shit idea like this at a studio and they throw money into it. Feast III: The Happy Finish is just one of those horror films where it seemed like it was just made to gross out the audience and give gore fans something to get their jollies off too. The story makes no sense and all hopes of reality just go out the door with this film.

The DVD includes feature commentary with Director John Gulager, Writers Patrick Melton & Marcus Dunstan and Producer Michael Leahy, and a look back at John Gulager. I didn’t watch the film with the commentary, so I have no clue if there is an explanation behind this chaotic film. But I not sure if I want to put myself though this one again folks. If your into gore over the storyline, then have a fucking blast watching this one. If you need a horror film to be more than just gross out gore, then follow me to the picket line. Still on the bright side, it’s better than the second film. It just saddens me that the first film was so good that they really could of taken the story in a much better direction than they did.

– Horror Bob