Director Ronny Yu (Freddy vs. Jason, Bride of Chucky) brings us this TWILIGHT ZONE type episode of FEAR ITSELF, that is one that is actually every family man’s nightmare. And the title “THE FAMILY MAN” say it all. Imagine your the typical red blooded family man, you have a beautiful wife, two kids and a big house in a nice small town. Everything in your life can’t be more perfect. That is until you get into a car accident and die. That’s what happens to the character in this film, except there’s a twist.

THE FAMILY MAN is about a guy named Dennis (Colin Ferguson) whom the above happens too, however when he’s bought back to life in the hospital; he’s in the body of someone else. That someone else happens to be a serial killer. The problem is the serial killer is now in his body, and with his family while he rots in jail in this murders body and is going to be put on trial for crimes that will get him the death plenty. Now he must try to somehow convince people that he is not who he seems to be and that the man inside his real body is the actual killer.

The script is actually very good, great overall character development and the dialogue is fantastic. It has a great plot line and twist that although it’s not something we all haven’t seen before, it works. It’s got good pacing and the story moves quickly. The film also is directed very well by veteran filmmaker Ronny Yu, a guy who is no stranger to horror and suspense films. On top of that the acting is also pretty good. Both leads Clifton Collins Jr. who plays Brautigan the killer. I know it’s hard to explain but he is actually the good guy trapped in the bad guys body, and then you have Colin Ferguson (Television’s Eureka) who plays the killer trapped in the family man’s body. I must admit he had the hardest role in this episode, the first half he has to play the nice guy and the second half he’s the villain. Needless to say his performance was brilliant. The acting is very good in this episode, some of the best so far in the series. As far as production value goes, it’s pretty basic. You have your normal home settings and jail and hospital settings. Nothing special but they work. There is some blood in the film, some really scary stuff during the dream sequence where Dennis’s daughter is dressed up like a bumble bee and is covered in blood. The car accident scene is also pretty graphic as well at the ending.

Overall, this is by far the best episode of the series so far. It has a great plot with a very twisty ending. I particularly liked how the episode was put together and was able to get a whole story in under the forty five minute mark. It’s plot is very much like a TWILIGHT ZONE episode, and it does actually bring out the fear in anyone who is a father. What would it be like to know that your family thinks’ your you, but instead their is a killer in your body, that can snap anytime, and theirs nothing you can do about it. HE FAMILY MAN delivers all the fears of a father worse nightmare come true.

– Horror Bob