When it comes to being a man; one thing that comes to mind is cars. Men should be freaks about cars; you’re not a real man if you don’t like cars. You know what? That’s a bunch of crap. I am one of those guys who do not care how fast my car is or all the little gizmos and gadgets that men put on their engines to make the car do all kinds of pretty things. I am perfectly happy driving my Olds. station wagon with forty thousand miles on it. Best car I ever had. So when the opportunity came up for me to review the Blu-ray disc of Drive Angry, I thought to myself, I like Nicholas Cage, probably one of the few people who do. Yet, I can care less about fast car films. Well, I had no clue what the story was about, and thank god I agreed to review this disc because I really had a lot of fun watching this film.

For those of you who think this film is about Nicholas Cage racing around in nice muscle cars you would be maybe twenty five percent right. Yes, the film has cars going voom-voom and driving really fast, but it takes a major back seat to the plot, gore, violence and all the swearing this film has to offer. To sum it all up in a nutshell; Drive Angry is a horror film with Robert Rodriquez/Quentin Tarantino style and language within the shooting of the film and it’s gore filled script. Needless to say, the script does have its corny side with all that is going on, but it is, for the most part a fun and enjoyable film.

I really have no clue if the story is based on a comic book or graphic novel, but something tells me it might be. However, for those of you going into this one as clueless as I was, there is a lot more going on here besides the whole car theme. Basically the film is about this guy named Milton (Nicholas Cage) that managed to escape from hell after his death to avenge the death of his daughter. (I know, it sounds weird, but it gets better.) His daughter was killed but some devil worshipping cult leader right after she gave birth to a daughter of her own. After killing Miltion’s daughter and her husband, the cult leader plans on sacrificing the baby to the devil himself in hopes of brining the antichrist to earth and begin the war between heaven and hell. Hell bent on getting revenge and rescuing his granddaughter; Milton enlists the help of a street smart waitress named Piper (Amber Hurst) to help him accomplish his goals after he saves her from her abusive boyfriend. Meanwhile a guy known as The Accountant (William Fichtner) is on their tale trying to get Milton to return back to hell. However he won’t stop until every member of the cult is dead and his granddaughter is safe.

The Blu-ray disc has a few features such as Access: Drive Angry where the viewer gets an insiders look at the making of the film and where you can activate dynamic “scene specific” features such as interviews with cast and crew, track the body count and many more. There is also audio commentary with filmmakers Patrick Lussier and Todd Farmer and well as deleted scene with filmmaker commentary as well.

Overall, Drive Angry is one of those horror films with a b-movie like quality that just grows on you. It is not a masterpiece but it is a fun film with a lot of blood, guts and an out of this world story that just keeps you entertained until the very end. I had a good time with this film and I think most will agree this is mindless fun entertainment at its best.

– Horror Bob