Directed by Aaron Mirtes
Producted by Elena Trueba
Stars Brittany Belland, Monica Baker, Tom Seidman, and Eric Corbin
Released September 12, 2017
Reviewed by Alyssa Hunt

Yup – you read that correctly! Clowntergeist is today’s movie review. It’s a mash-up of Pennywise the Clown and your worst poltergeist-like nightmare, but with balloonage! It’s about a college student coming face-to-face with her worst fear: clowns. But this clown is different. With a face like that, I could easily develop a case of coulrophobia!

So what were my thoughts on this gruesome picture?

Clowntergeist is far from Pennywise and as far as poltergeists go – it doesn’t. The movie did its best to lure you in with cat and mouse stalkings, and what seemed to be meaningless slaughters, and those weren’t even shown! Most of the blood came from balloons, so if you love your horror with horror – this isn’t it.

Filled with exasperating jump scares, the movie tried to build intrigue, suspense and fright, but fell flat with special effects focused primarily on nightmares and balloons. The clown didn’t come even close to scary – more like asthmatic, leaving my entertainment levels in the negative.

Clowntergeist releases September 12th.