“Blood Society,” by Jeffrey Thomas is a thrilling horror novel infused with an exciting subtext of gangster lore. Thomas uses this unique hybrid to narrate the fascinating story of Attilio Augusta, a man transformed in his youth in Sicily into a creature somewhat like...
“Skullbelly,” by Ronald Malfi, is an excellent novella of crime fiction with hints of a possible supernatural element to Private Detective Jon Jeffers’ case involving three missing teenagers. A fourth teenage boy returned from the same trip into the woods covered in...
“Darkness Falls” is the first work I have read by Leverone. He is a skilled writer, develops character and setting well and is capable of creating suspense and a sense of foreboding dread. I would even be interested in checking out more of his writing. The reason I...
Delirium Books offers another great disturbing novella with James Newman’s “Olden.” This can easily be read in one sitting and that is recommended to get the full effect of its powerful narrative structure. An unexplained phenomenon has transformed the elderly into...