“It Drinks Blood,” an intriguing, well written novella from J. F. Gonzalez, has an original premise. Robert, who serves as the first person narrator throughout, lives in a nursing home. One day, a new patient arrives, Allison, and he recognizes her as a teenager he...
Michael McBride provides an action packed plot laced with exciting creature horror in “Predatory Instinct.” While the general premise and formula has been done before, this horror-science fiction thriller offers enough surprises and well-crafted characters to...
“Samson and Denial” from Robert Ford is gritty dark crime tale with a twist of the supernatural. This novella is easily read in a sitting or two due to its fast pace and wonderful first person narrative reminiscent of a great film noir or pulp novel of the past....
“Borealis” by Ronald Malfi is an intense novella of supernatural horror. Malfi is a strong writer and provides great character development and realistic setting details to create a wonderfully creepy and suspenseful tale of horror in the frozen waters of the Bering...
Brian Moreland’s supernatural thriller, “Dead of Winter,” takes place in 1878, in the Ontario wilderness. A remote fort there falls victim to a plague that turns its victims into cannibalistic predators. Early sections of the novel move between the fort and a parallel...
“Seven Days of Cain,” by Ramsey Campbell, is a great novel by a master of the horror genre. I want to make it clear up from that the Scare Factor rating above being lower than the overall rating is not a slight to the author or the novel. This particular Campbell...