In anticipation of Ghostbusters Day tomorrow, the anniversary of the classic comedy which released 34 years ago on June 8, 1984, Wizard World, Sony Pictures, and Ghost Corps have teamed up to announce an extraordinary live event, the Ghostbusters Fan Fest presented by...
In 2093, in hopes of making contact with a mysterious alien life at the edge of our solar system, a group of maverick scientists and a powerful telepath embark on an expedition aboard The Nightflyer. As they race towards first contact, terrifying and violent events...
EXORCIST II: THE HERETIC – one of the most infamous horror sequels in history (and that’s an understatement) – will be given the chance to be properly reevaluated in the form of a serious upgrade on Blu-ray this Fall! Here are the early details we have at...
Ultimate Gremlin Figure: “To honor the first appearance of a Gremlin in our Ultimate line, NECA has completely re-sculpted the original 1984 Gremlin body! Any fans of the Gremlins movies knows the rules: keep them out of sunlight, don’t get them wet, and never...
Synopsis: As a darkness builds at the center of a world-renown dance company, its artistic director (Tilda Swinton), a young American new to the troupe (Dakota Johnson), and a grieving psychotherapist (Lutz Ebersdorf) become entangled in a bloody, sighing...