Ten years after the events of the first film, the Kaiju return in Pacific Rim Uprising with a new deadly threat that reignites the conflict between these otherworldly monsters of mass destruction and Jaegers, the human-piloted super-machines that were built to...
It has been sighted 42,000 times in 68 countries, a vicious creature of myth and legend called Sasquatch, Yeti, and perhaps most infamously, Bigfoot. It’s been hunted it for years. But what happens when it decides to hunt us? After recovering from a horrific...
Hailed as “a masterpiece” (Chris Evangelista, Slash Film) and “a mind-blowing experience” (Peter Travers, Rolling Stone), director Alex Garland’s (Ex Machina) ANNIHILATION debuts on Blu-ray Combo Pack and DVD May 29, 2018 from Paramount Home Media Distribution. The...
In collaboration with Cavitycolors, we are happy to present you with the blister pack art for our upcoming 8″ Scale Captain Blake Figure from The Fog! The Fog Captain Blake Figure: “Bolt your doors… lock your windows… there’s something in the fog!”...
The Vestron cult classic horror series continues with Dagon, coming to Blu-ray on July 24th with all new special features! Street Date: 7/24/18 Blu-ray™ SRP: $39.97 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: H.P. Lovecraft’s iconic tale comes to life when the Vestron Video Collector’s...