The Grindhouse Massacre is a film that despite it title is actually a very well made movie. Some people might pawn this film off as another independent horror film that was produced by a bunch of amateur filmmakers. Yes there are plenty of flaws in this movie, and yes...
Planet Terror is one of the best horror films I have seen to date. It has all the action, blood, guts and gore to satisfy any fan of the horror genre for months. What Robert Rodriguez has created here is a masterpiece. One of which many horror fans will be talking for...
Death Proof is Quentin Tarantino contribution to the film that is Grindhouse. It is in fact the second feature of the film, and while it’s the weaker of the two movies, it still entertains like no other film, but it is in fact slow at times. As with most of...
From the offset I knew there was going to be problems with Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino’s double-feature called Grindhouse, namely a conflict of interests between loyal genre aficionados, horror fans, academia, and mainstream audiences. How could there...
Over the past decade Fangoria, America’s number one horror magazine, has been releasing films under their label of the same name. In the past, some of them have been very corny, and easily can be classified as B movies. Now, they are stepping it up a notch, and are...