The Fanglys

The Fanglys

Here is a film that seem like it was made for the pure fun of making a movie and was not intended to make anyone like it but rather entertain them in some way. It’s not a bad idea for a film, it got that low budget look and feel, and the production value is not...


John Landis is at it again, making a horror film with such a wacky story, that you just can’t help but get a kick out of his dark sense of humor. Family is his second contribution to The Masters of Horror Series; and just like Deer Women the movie has a dark yet...

Fallen Angels

Director Jeff Thomas, has always been a good friend to us here at The Horror Review; in fact he credits us with helping to kick start his career as we were one of the first sites to review his first award winning horror film 13 Seconds. 13 Seconds was picked up by...
The Faculty

The Faculty

During a time when Scream imitators are appearing as frequently as pod people, Robert Rodriguez, with the aide of Kevin Williamson’s wry postmodern pen, makes the best of contractual obligation by merging Don Siegel’s Invasion of the Body Snatchers with John...


“Face” another film released by Tartan Films Asian Extreme line, is right out of South Korea. The film is about a serial killer who is using acid to burn away the flesh of his victims, leaving bones as the only evidence police have. With no leads or clues...