Where Eli Roth’s Hostel attempted to be repulsive yet failed, Brett Leonard’s Feed succeeds, all the while remaining aesthetically justifiable in its gruesomeness. By expanding the Gluttony sequence in David Fincher’s Se7en and positing an antagonist reminiscent of...
It’s no secret if you read my reviews for the first two film of this trilogy that I loved the first film and though the second film was one of the worst horror films of 2008. So I’m one for one, while not give the third film a go and see where it goes from...
When I first heard that Project Greenlight was going to make a horror film a few years back, I never expected it to be a good movie that appealed to the true hardcore horror fans. Well, I ate my words, as FEAST, because an cult hit with all horror fans, including...
Feast is a film I’ve been waiting a while to see. I was a big fan of The Project Green Light episodes in which followed first time director John Gulager in the hardships of dealing with a Hollywood studio and making this film. Gulager bought life to the show,...
Considering Project Greenlight’s track record, atop Matt Damon and Ben Affleck arrogantly disregarding Wes Craven’s opinion that the script was utter crap, alongside the Weinstein collective backing the work, John Gulager’s Feast should have placed well below the...