Fiend Without A Face

Fiend Without A Face

“Wha. Look Mommy, a detour!” “Wha . . . . Oh, yes Jimmy, I see it. Let’s see where it goes.” “Oh goody . . . Mommy! Put the car back down on four wheels.” “There Honey, are you happy now?” “Mommy, do you think we’ll ever make it to B-movie heaven?” “Well, Dear, I...


Fido is a film that thrives on a lot of political satire and takes a great mind to see the true meaning behind the film. It’s a filmmakers film and it’s not a film that the normal everyday horror fan is going to enjoy. Sure it’s just another zombie...
The Ferryman

The Ferryman

A lengthy, melodramatic prologue – stormy seas, a juicy dismemberment, a barmy John Rhys-Davies bellowing – belies the fact that THE FERRYMAN is a smarter, subtler film than it initially appears. The set up is conventional and the climax unleashes a...
Feeding The Masses

Feeding The Masses

It’s good to see Shock-O-Rama and E.I. Cinema put out a B-movie that has more of a serious story to it, rather than just a bunch of nude girls running around covered in blood and gore. Now don’t get me wrong, In “Feeding The Masses” there is a...