For such a brutal movie, I believe a brutal review is in order. You have to be kidding me, this has to be some of the best TROMA rip offs I’ve ever seen. Troma like to have their defecation, elderly bashing and did I mention shitting. This dude, Chris Seaver has some...
“Wha. Look Mommy, a detour!” “Wha . . . . Oh, yes Jimmy, I see it. Let’s see where it goes.” “Oh goody . . . Mommy! Put the car back down on four wheels.” “There Honey, are you happy now?” “Mommy, do you think we’ll ever make it to B-movie heaven?” “Well, Dear, I...
Fido is a film that thrives on a lot of political satire and takes a great mind to see the true meaning behind the film. It’s a filmmakers film and it’s not a film that the normal everyday horror fan is going to enjoy. Sure it’s just another zombie...
A lengthy, melodramatic prologue – stormy seas, a juicy dismemberment, a barmy John Rhys-Davies bellowing – belies the fact that THE FERRYMAN is a smarter, subtler film than it initially appears. The set up is conventional and the climax unleashes a...
It’s good to see Shock-O-Rama and E.I. Cinema put out a B-movie that has more of a serious story to it, rather than just a bunch of nude girls running around covered in blood and gore. Now don’t get me wrong, In “Feeding The Masses” there is a...