Stuntman-cum-director, David Ellis, makes one hell of a genre jump from his directorial debut, Homeward Bound II: Lost in San Francisco, to his second full-length feature, Final Destination 2. Though Ellis’s sequel does nothing of consequence to expand upon the mythos...
Just as Glen Morgan and James Wong returned to the franchise they helped to instigate with the enjoyably heartless FINAL DESTINATION 3 (following the less sadistic but creepier and more sincere 2000 original), the director of the second instalment in the franchise now...
In 2000, director James Wong issued the first of a series of blatantly unrepentant escapist horror films which unabashedly exploit the genre by housing a premise that is mere set dressing for a high body count as provided by Grand Guignol. Granted, Final Destination’s...
“The Final Cut” is a film that was barely out in theaters, It only had a very limited release and I’m very surprised that it never got a wider one. Now that’s it made it’s way onto DVD I hope more movie fans will pick it up, because...
Usually, when someone mentions a horror film and Dario Argento’s name in the same sentence, I usually wonder just how crazy the film must be. Let’s face the facts, folks: the majority of Argento’s older films are masterpieces, but some of his recent work has not been...