Based upon the debut screenwriting effort of famed author James Clavell of a story in Playboy Magazine a year prior by George Langelaan, Kurt Neumann’s The Fly is perhaps the perennial example of a subpar production whose premise nonetheless captured its audience’s...
Although the likeable SNAKES ON A PLANE wasn’t the box office smash New Line anticipated, the flurry of pre-release publicity helped encourage similarly themed old-school B horror movies to the screen. New Line have also picked up FLIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD which, like...
“The Flew” much like “Clearwater” (Read Review Here) is a throwback film to the very roots of the silent error where all movies started out. Shot in Black and White with no sound expect some music and sound effects, and of coarse the famous...
It’s hard for me to review music I normally don’t listen too, But being a big fan of the film “MONSTERSDOTCOM” I could not turn the down the offer from Flesh Resonance to review their CD, being that they wrote some of the music for the film....
“Flesh for the Beast” is a pretty decent film, winner of Best Cinematography and Best Special Effects at this years NYC Horror Film Festival, the film is deserves then for those two categories alone. The Mood and feel of the film are that of a odd and...