Black Seas of Infinity: The R’lyeh Cycle Book Two Edited by William Holloway JournalStone Publishing (June 28, 2024) Reviewed by Andrew Byers Black Seas of Infinity is William Holloway’s follow-up to his 2019 anthology, The Abyssal Plain: The R’lyeh Cycle (also from...
The Secret Language of Spiders K. L. Young Strange Aeons (June 25, 2024) Reviewed by Andrew Byers Writer and filmmaker K.L. Young has released a new novel, The Secret Language of Spiders, that I would describe as a Lovecraftian body horror set in a small, dying town...
Gods of a Nameless Country Jeffrey Thomas JournalStone Publishing (March 1, 2024) Reviewed by Andrew Byers Jeffrey Thomas is an extremely prolific writer, perhaps best known for his Punktown setting and series, but he’s also written a great many stand-alone novels and...
Living in Cemeteries Corey Farrenkopf JournalStone Publishing (April 19, 2024) Reviewed by Andrew Byers Imagine a world superficially similar to our own in which we have absolute proof that ghosts are real because we can all see and interact with them on a daily...
Babylon Terminal Greg F. Gifune JournalStone Publishing (September 28, 2018) Reviewed by Andrew Byers Buckle up for a wild ride through the twisted corridors of the mind in Greg F. Gifune’s Babylon Terminal. In this gripping tale, Gifune masterfully constructs a world...