“Blood Society,” by Jeffrey Thomas is a thrilling horror novel infused with an exciting subtext of gangster lore. Thomas uses this unique hybrid to narrate the fascinating story of Attilio Augusta, a man transformed in his youth in Sicily into a creature somewhat like a vampire, but an original creation with its own set of rules.
Thomas is more interested in fine character development and creating his own mythology than sticking to any tired old myths or versions of the undead. Anyone familiar with his Hades or Punktown stories and novels knows Thomas is a very capable monster maker.
Although Augusta “dies” in the novel’s Prologue that experience is only the beginning of decades-long journey in which he struggles with understanding his own nature as well as his complex relationships with humans and monsters he meets along the way.
Thomas finds the perfect balance of exploring the emotional depths of these relationships while never bringing the action to a lull.
Though he takes on several identities throughout the novel, the most commonly used moniker is Salvatore Dragna. The novel hurls Dragna into the crime worlds of three different decades, the first placing him alongside Al Capone, merging history with myth seamlessly.
As with all excellent novels I review, I do not want to provide any more plot details to spoil your fun. This novel should be read by all fans of horror and any crime fiction fans who might want to read some crossover fiction. Be prepared though—you should be ready for the frights and appropriate level of gore present in the horror genre—this is horror first and foremost.
I highly recommend this very original, exhilarating and entertaining novel. Thomas is a great writer and at the top of his game with this one.
– George Wilhite
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