QUESTION: What movie is a guilty pleasure AND a great candidate to be elected the next zombie fan drinking game?

So how does one write a review of a movie that basically is an inside joke to begin with? Ya don’t!! Just do the math…
Ya want titties? You got it!
Ya want blood? You got it! (With apologies to AC/DC)
Ya want more ZOMBIE #1? YOU GOT IT!!!!

Flesh Eater is Zombie royalties Bill Hinzman’s 1988 resurrection of his fabled and glorious “Night of the Living Dead” flesh eater ,lovingly called “Zombie” #1″ by his fans and that includes yours truly. Remember the ghoul that attacks Johnny in the cemetery and then who helps make dinner out of him later in the film? OF COURSE YOU DO!!!!! Well Mr. Hinzman apparently felt the zombie void that was present in the post 1985 80’s and decided to make this little nugget.
FLESH EATER is not a great film, ahhh crap ,its probably a shitty film. That aside I LOVE IT!!! Just take every horror cliché in the book and without shame or fear of reprisal throw them ALL into one movie!
Stupid teens out drinking and fucking….Check!
Bonehead moves at every turn that ensure death…Check!
Buckets of blood…Check!
Senseless scenes that exist ONLY so that people can die and be eaten…Check!
More of the same…Check!!
I could go on forever but what else do you need to know? FLESH EATER wallows in the base elements that was horror in the 80’s and basically still is. No, not the cerebral horror that pulls our deepest fears from our bellies. No, not the “self aware” crap like “Scream” but the purely gratuitous sort! (Smiles warmly ) Kind of like the MANIAC-MOTEL HELL cross breed that was born after Slasher films got silly. Will it enter the annals of the HORROR HALL OF FAME? Noooooo!! Should it have a spot in your library? YESSSSSSSS!!!!!! Hinzman’s 1988 Zombie #1 bursts into nearly every scene at some point and gets busy! By the end of the film if you are not turning to a friend, loved one or acquaintance and screaming ARRRGH!! Then you have missed the point! The plot has more holes than the swiss-est of cheese and nothing really makes sense but AAARRRGGH!! WHO CARES! Ya can probably grab the DVD for 10 bucks and enjoy it forever. I realize that I can’t endorse the film as being scary in any way but it beats the hell out of watching “The Dead Hate the Living” or those recent “Return of the Living Dead” sequels. I liken Hinzman’s Zombie comeback to Muhammad Ali beating Leon Spinx in that 1978 rematch….yeah not vintage zombie action but a welcome respite from the mundane and a boatload of fun!!
Ok now I’ll explain the FLESH EATER drinking game!!!
Every time Hinzman’s zombie screams AARRRGGGHH!…..You Drink!
Every time one of the scantily clad (soon to be eaten) ladies screams “Oh my GAWD!” ..You Drink!!


The DVD actually has some decent extras which only makes it more of a bargain, the best being Bill Hinzman’s zombie Pizza Commercial that is just freaking hilarious!! I got my copy from Mr. Hinzman personally and he signed it twice and it was still only $15 ! If you can, buy it from him at a con and not from a retailer. If you are lucky he’ll go AAARRRGGGHHH!! And then eat your girlfriend……..(winks)

-Eric (Aka: Zombielover)