Lets face it as horror fans we always seem to give credit to the director or actors and praise them for giving us a film that chills, thrills and kills. But little credit goes to the people who come up with the blood, guts and gore that make up the majority of those things that give us the chilling and uneasy feelings that make us turn our heads and sometimes gag. FANTASTIC FLESH is a celebration Documentary of the great effects and the effect artist that have helped make those famous scenes come to life live in our minds forever.
The documentary contains interviews with some of the genres greatest directors, actors, producers and of course special effects artists. Effect genius’s like Tom Savini, Greg Nicotero, Howard Berger, Rob Bottin, Shannon Shea and Dick Smith all give interviews about their experiences working on horror films and the great and changeling effects they were able to create for some of the best horror films we know of today. The directors who talk about their experiences working with effect and making them look real are also involved in sharing their experiences. Such names include George Romero, John Landis, John Carpenter, Frank Darabont, Wes Craven, Eli Roth, Robert Rodriguez, Quentin Tarantino, Mick Garris Joe Dante along with testimonials from actors Josh Brolin, Simon Pegg, Peter Dinklage, Jordan Ladd, and Dee Wallace.
The great thing about this documentary is that it did not put aside the effects of artists that were not part of the documentary. Such as the work of Rich Baker on AN AMERICAN WEREWOLF IN LONDON, THE HOWLING and Tim Burton’s PLANET OF THE APES. They also talk with Rob Bottin about his involvement with Rick Baker on THE HOWLING and how it coincided with the making of AN AMERICAN WEREWOLF IN LONDON as well as talk about Bottin idea on TOTAL RECALL and work on THE THING. The documentary also covers the man who started it all Lon Chaney Jr. and how he inspired all the effects artists that are on this DVD.
Overall, FANTASTIC FLESH is a celebration of all the great make-up effects artists that have helped bring all the horrific and wonderful effects to life in the movies that we watch. Not only is it a fun documentary to watch but it is also very educational. for fans of horror that are interested in seeing how the effects come to life, you’ll really enjoy this one. If your interested in doing effects in films some day this is a must buy DVD, but all in all this is a great documentary on the history of special effects in not just horror films but all movies that require effects and make-up.
– Horror Bob
- Interview with J.R. Bookwalter - January 22, 2015
- Interview with Andrew J. Rausch - January 22, 2015
- Interview with Rick Popko and Dan West - January 22, 2015
- Interview with Director Stevan Mena (Malevolence) - January 22, 2015
- Interview with Screenwriter Jeffery Reddick (Day of the Dead 2007) - January 22, 2015
- Teleconference interview with Mick Garris (Masters of Horror) - January 22, 2015
- A Day at the Morgue with Corri English (Unrest) - January 22, 2015
- Interview with Writer/Director Nacho Cerda (The Abandoned, Aftermath) - January 22, 2015
- Interview with Actress Thora Birch (Dark Corners, The Hole, American Beauty) - January 22, 2015
- Interview with Actor Jason Behr, Plus Skinwalkers Press Coverage - January 22, 2015