The Grindhouse Massacre is a film that despite it title is actually a very well made movie. Some people might pawn this film off as another independent horror film that was produced by a bunch of amateur filmmakers. Yes there are plenty of flaws in this movie, and yes it has a very amateur feel to it. However a great filmmaker and critic would see past that flaw in this film and notice the issue addressed within the movie.

Now, when I first saw the trailer to this film I thought it was going to be a House of 1000 Corpses rip off. Personally I didn’t care if it was because I loved that film, but in fact I was very wrong about the whole concept of the film. When actress Jessika Stasko first e-mailed me about this film, I was skeptical at first. Mainly because I thought it was going to be one of those soft-core porn wannabe horror flicks. I actually e-mailed her back, and asked her if it was in fact one of those films. She dropped me a line letting me know that the film actually makes fun of those films and that like myself she agrees that nudity only belongs in horror films when it needed, not just for the pure thought of making money from putting some tit & ass in a horror film.

The Grindhouse Massacre follow a washed up Scream Queen Television host named Virginia, whom refuses to do the very nude scene that made her famous in a film titled Evil Bed 2: Nude by Dawn. While trying to take her career in a different direction as a the host of an underground horror show. When her distributor threatens to drop her because her films are not longer in demand. She goes on a bloody rampage and tries to rid the business of stupid nude horror films and the people who star in and produce the films. However Virginia won’t stop by just killing these people, she’s documenting the whole experience and plans on making it into a film of her own. One that will help resurrect her career.

One thing I truly liked about this film was the comedy element added into the script, besides all the gore this film provides the comedy element really helps drive the plot of the film and gives the film it’s drive. While the movie might be viewed as more of an amateur film by others, I will detach myself from that group. The people who put this film together obviously have the talent, but maybe not the best of resources and money to make the perfect film. The Grindhouse Massacre has many great artistic elements to it. The film is given that grainy grind house look and the editing and style of shots used give the film a genuine grind house look. You actually feel like you are right in the theater watching the film. The editing, style of shots used and the great soundtrack are what make this film. The acting is mostly dry, and with the exception of the lead actress Jessika Stasko, whom did a decent job. The rest of the cast seemed very dry and unrehearsed. I’m not sure how much ad-libbing was going on, but the word fuck must of been used well over five hundred times in this flick. That probably is my only complaint about the film, but I give the cast some credit for there hard work. The effects are pretty good. There is plenty of blood, guts and gore in this film and even some light CGI effects involving fire. In fact my overall perspective of the effects is that for a low budget flick they looked very well. Oh and did I mention the soundtrack to this flick was killer. The special edition DVD actually comes with the soundtrack as a bonus feature.

Overall; I have a lot of respect for the whole cast and crew behind this little independent flick. It’s probably one of the best put together indie films I’ve seen. I can’t stress how well this move was put together, Now don’t get me wrong it does have some of the minor flaws that independent films have. But in the case of this film, you can see that it was not just thrown together and a lot of heart and soul went into this picture. I am perceptually found of the message that the film had about nudity in horror films, I think that’s what made this film so special for me. As much as I would of loved to see some of the women in this flick nude, and minus the “man ass” scene. I’m glad that this issue was addressed. You don’t need to have nude chicks in your horror film for it to be great, and The Grindhouse Massacre is a film that proves it.

– Horror Bob