It’s pretty obvious from my other reviews of Charlie Huston’s novels that I’m really into the Joe Pitt series, maybe so much so, that I’m hoping the first book ALREADY DEAD; which is set to become a movie in 2009, hopefully does get produced. These novels are like an addictive drug, I can’t pull my face from the pages, and now the forth book in the series EVERY LAST DROP is now available. Now you figure eventually with the forth book in the series now out, things might slow down a little with the story, and it might not be as interesting say as the first three novels. But not in this case; In fact I think EVERY LAST DROP is the best novel out of the whole series.

This time around Joe Pitt is now an outcast living in the Bronx. All the clans in Manhattan want him dead so he has no other place to hide but in the Bronx where no clan controls any particular area, but that’s what makes it more dangerous as without clans there are no rules, and with no rules rogue vampyres can do whatever they want. Joe manages to hold his own for a while, until a group of young vampire capture him and bring him to an old man named Mr. Lament, Lament has plans for Joe, but those are foiled when the Coalition leader Dexter Predo shows up. Joe thinks he’s done for, but Predo has other ideas. In an exchange for a little freedom in Manhattan, Predo wants Joe to get him information about what the plans are for the Cure Clan, Joe is friends with it’s leader Amanda. Amanda is trying to find a cure for the vyrus and is letting any vampyre join her clan. Predo see’s this as a problem and wants reports on all the activity. But Joe, being Joe, he has to play all sides on the fence, and even goes as far as to run into his old buddy Terry Bird, the leader of The Society clan, who just so happens to have a bounty of twelve pints of blood on Joes head for any Vampyre who brings Joe head to him. But Joe plays his cards right, and is able to talk some sense into Terry whom needs money if his clan were to survive. Now Joe must find the truth behind one thing that all the clans want; Blood. The Coalition seems to have an endless supply, and The Society seems to know how to get their hands on a few pints as well. But what Joe is about to get into may be more than he bargains for. But Joe thrives for more than just to be able to walk the streets of Manhattan a free vampyre again. He misses the love of his life Evie, and it’s been over a year since he has seen her, and he does not know if she is alive or dead.

When it comes to watching movies, I always seem to enjoy the one’s with a message or that bring a social issue to light. Those are usually the one’s with the messages that the director and writers are trying to get across. That’s one thing I have to credit writer Charlie Huston with. With these novels despite the fact that their is this horror/thriller story we all can really sink our teeth into. Each part of the story always revolves around social issues that are the topic of discussion around the world today. In this book we he seems to bring to the table a lot more than he has in the previous books which of coarse involved politics, race, religion and sexual preference. AIDS and disease are another one that factors into these stories, but in this book he also brings the stem cell research issue into the story and sheds some considerable light on the subject without it affecting the story at hand. It just goes to show that Huston is more than just a brilliant writer, but he is able to touch you and make you think with his stories while also entertaining your brain.

Overall, I can praise Charlie Huston and his Joe Pitt novels till the sun comes up, It’s no secret that I’m a big fan of the books and I encourage any fans of not just vampire novels but horror and action novels (and films) in general to get a hold of all the books in the Joe Pitt series. Personally, as a fan of all the books, EVERY LAST DROP has so far been the best one out of the whole series. Not only does it put Joe Pitt in another crazy situation, but it’s answers a lot of questions that the other books never did. Just take my word for it, if you haven’t gotten your hands on the first book by now, then your seriously missing out on some of the best vampire novels ever written.

– Horror Bob