Your initial viewing of ARACHNIA’s own underground entity Brett Piper ( DRANIAC, DINOSAUR BABES, A NYMPHOID BARBARIAN IN DINOSAUR HELL, and the ever so cultish RAIDERS OF THE LIVING DEAD), you’ll come up with an overly bad f/x romping scarefest ringing of the monster films from the 50’s and 60’s (THE GIANT GILA MONSTER, THEM, …..). What Ray Harryhausen brought famous with his stop-motion animation (KING KING) in the humble beginnings.

A crew are on their way to a paleontology dig in Arizona were they suspect some fascinating finds are waiting to be found. We are introduced to the crew aboard a made to be 8 passenger bi-plane/cargo aero for the start of the film. The professor, His personal assistant, the pilot and 3 students which 2 of them (known as the girls for the rest of the flick) are dimwitted and intend to honk on a little bobbo in order to get the grade they such richly deserve. They all come along for the find of the year and unbeknownst to them all, their flight which happened to be on the night of a giant meteor shower gets them into a little hot water and dooooooooooown they go. Time is of the essence, the plane is slowly catching fire, some are passed out and the pilot dives in for the rescue. Now, in the middle of nowhere, all are on a desperate fight to stay alive and get to the search site where they could all get rich quick and become famous. The meteor shower awakens the beasts from below and some serious spider action commences. EIGHT LEGGED FREAKS spiders looked great, TARANTULA was a real one, these suckers are grey rubber beasts with the rigid acting capability of slow moving animation. Cool looking arachnia but of course, this movie wasn’t to be made seriously anyways (when you listen to the commentary, you’ll realize that the whole crew had a wicked time making this thing). They run into one a local hick’s cabin (complete with a washtub for one of the girls who proceed to take a bath ?)in the area of their crash landing and just so happened that the owner of the house has a carcass of a once living arachnid from 100 years ago sitting in his barn from some old sideshow his grandpa once ran. They are stuck out in the middle of nowhere and our spider friends begin to take them all down one by one NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD style trapped in a house scenario.

Overall a classic ride down the lane of monster mayhem but a serious question is in order. Pieces of celluloid that are somewhat pointless to the whole package and what they could have done without.

1. They continue to call the 2 bimbos Girls threw the whole film, and why would you take a bath in an abandoned farm shack equipped with some pumped water, a fire and an old washtub? They had no clue about anything, scared of rats, can’t protect themselves worth a shit, screamers like you wouldn’t believe, annoying and loud 12 year olds. Stupid ass blond ditsy types which honestly kill the whole flick. Don’t you think the rest of the crew would call them retarded and kick them from the trip in the first place? They had no purpose, just for shits and topless lesbian sexual giggles.

Not that I mind the booby shots but that was just a cheap ploy to include some serious skin work. They could have done without. They supplied all the cheese dialogue What was somewhat serious about ARACHNIA in terms of dialogue, the GIRLS ruined all that was somewhat classy (in a cheese old school B way) about it all. Brett Piper supplied the effects and wrote this whole kit and caboodle. So those into a guaranteed drive -in good time, look pass the Girls (look back with the nude shots) and ARACHNIA dig up what was fun about movies in the long lost days.