Humans are strange creatures. Unlike literally every other species on earth, we actively seek out thrills and terrifying experiences. Whether it’s jumping out of a moving plane, waving a red flag in front of a raging bull, or walking into an abandoned house at night, we all have our terror kinks.

Luckily, most of us aren’t as suicidal and prefer to simply watch other people do all these terrifying things from the comfort of our own home. But these days, even this seemingly tame activity is enough to send the squeamish running. This is all thanks to the wonderful people in Hollywood who are working day and night to film the most terrifying horror movies for us to enjoy.

We live in a time where we literally head out and pay to be frightened. But why? Well, it turns out that scary movies are actually good for you.

It’s A Human Thing

The vast majority of humans have a natural interest in death and what happens when our lives come to an end. Society is a fragile structure that, with a simple disease outbreak, natural disaster, or war, can quickly crumble. We all know this and fear the possibility of our livelihood being compromised.

Horror movies provide a way to satisfy our curiosity. They often provide unique perspectives on what could happen come the end of times. Whether it’s a zombie apocalypse, a wave the size of a skyscraper, or a monster from the unknown depths of the ocean, we’re given access to more and more situations that could one day become reality.

Okay, sure, the chances of your neighbor growing claws and running upside-down on your roof before jumping onto you and sucking your soul out are fairly slim, but it’s the idea that “anything can happen” that keeps you interested.


What triggers our brain’s production of dopamine varies from person to person. This is why horror movies don’t appeal to everyone. But for those who do enjoy chasing the thrill, it’s become clear through recent studies that a good scare can make certain people produce more of it, resulting in a desire to watch more movies.

For further reading on the intricate topic of brain chemicals, Where Is Dopamine Produced is a great start.

It Provides A Release

There’s a word in the English language known as catharsis, which essentially translates to cleansing or purging. It’s the perfect word to describe what goes on in our minds when we watch these films. The exhilaration of watching what happens to others in horror movies gives our emotions a release.

Although, it wouldn’t be advisable to open up Netflix and find the first horror movie after getting fired or having a car accident, you know, for the sake of not having a heart attack.


To sum it up, there’s really not much harm in watching a horror movie. If anything, do it for the benefits. Just don’t force your poor children to watch them, unless you want to share their sleepless nights.