STAR (Space Traveling Alien Reject) Directed by Adam R. Steigart Written by Adam R. Steigart, Janeen Avery, Christopher Burns, Jr., and Mark Mendola Produced by Adam R. Steigart, Janeen Avery, and Christopher Burns, Jr. Aprl 28, 2017 Reviewed by A. Renee Hunt When I...
The Madame In Black (Svarta Madam) Written, Produced, and Directed by Jarno Lee Vinsencius Starring Demis, Tzirus, Ellinor Rosander, Ida Gyllensten, and Kase Chlopecki 28 February 2017 Reviewed by A. Renee Hunt How in the world can a person manage to squeeze vast...
The Vampire Bat 1933 Directed by Frank Strayer Produced by Phil Goldstone Screen Story by Edward T. Lowe Starring Melvyn Douglas, Lionel Atwill, Fay Wray, and Maude Eborne Digitally restored by The Film Detective & UCLA Film and Television Archive April 25, 2017...
Devil’s Domain Written and Directed by Jared Cohn Starring Michael Madsen, Madi Vodane, and Linda Bella 2016 Reviewed by Megan Purcell Devil’s Domain, a 2016 horror movie written and directed by Jared Cohn, begins inexplicably with a detailed and lovingly...
Home Education A London Film School Production Written & Directed by Andrea Niada Produced by Chiara Cardoso Musical Score by Andrea Boccadoro April 2017 Reviewed by A. Renee Hunt Rachel is homeschooled. In her home, her mother teachers by giving “Life Lessons”...
Evil Nanny Directed by Jared Cohn Written by Naomi Selfman Produced by Dylan Vox Starring Lindsay Elston, Nicole Sterling, and Matthew Pohlkamp December 27, 2016 Reviewed by A. Renee Hunt From what I understand, Evil Nanny is taken from true events. I tried to look up...