An unconventional scientist, struggling to care for his terminally-ill wife, embarks on a journey to develop a cure for her….but how will it end? Directed by Derrick Granado and starring Kristin Keith and Robb Hudspeth, this film about humanity’s possible...
Over at Miskatonic Review, a treatment of William Holloway’s “Ammonia,” the first story in The Abyssal Plain: The R’lyeh Cycle: Holloway’s story is largely effective, and accomplishes what it sets out to do: to tell the story of Cthulhu’s...
StokerCon hits the UK this year, and the preliminary ballot for the 2019 Bram Stoker Awards® has been released. Look out for these books! Doorways to the Deadeye by Eric J. Guignard (First Novel) The Bone Weaver’s Orchard by Sarah Read (First Novel) The Worst Is Yet...
Gwendolyn Kiste’s The Rust Maidens and Sarah Read’s The Bone Weaver’s Orchard get shoutouts in Katie McLain’s READ HARDER: READ A HORROR BOOK PUBLISHED BY AN INDIE PRESS! Check out the full list at...