Bret Easton Ellis’s controversial 1991 novel, American Psycho, is a torturous text, not only for the characters involved, but also the reader. Set in Manhattan in 1987 and ending at the offset of the following decade, the narrative follows the daily routine of one...
Over the course of five brief issues, Robert Kirkman–best known for creating the jaw-droppingly risqué satire, Battle Pope, atop the visceral prescient that is The Walking Dead–combines his authorial talents alongside the visual acumen of artists Sean...
American Psycho is a film I like to use to test people with: Either someone likes it or they don’t. If they say they don’t care for the movie, they’re disqualified on general principle. However, if they give it a thumbs up, they still haven’t passed, they have to tell...
“You tell me why’s a man’s blood is any better or any more precious than a dog’s blood? It sure ain’t to the dog.” –Avery Allan Ludlow, Senior Jack Ketchum, the nom de plume of Dallas Mayr, is a horror writer. However, his trade is that of the all-too-real...