Before Poltergeist or Ghostbusters, director Sidney Furie presented us with a tale of graphically-brutal horror in the form of a supernatural antagonist in The Entity. During a time when the genre was laden with slasher films, Furie skirted the line between a ghost...
Ellory Elkayem’s feature-length debut, Eight Legged Freaks (ELF), attempts to take producer Roland Emmerich’s love for the gigantic and create a parody of 1950’s monster invasion flicks. What I gathered from the movie is that the filmmakers had perhaps too much fun...
Most short horror films serve one purpose and one purpose only–as stepping stones for filmmakers wanting a larger budget. The genre is perfect for hopeful up-and-comers for it does not demand star recognition because–and unlike in most other categories of...
D. Harlan Wilson’s debut novel, Dr. Identity, Or, Farewell to Plaquedemia, is a story of an academe and his mechanical doppelganger who set out upon a killing spree of truly postmodern portions. The author, much like his story, comprises one-half of the face of a new...
Famed director Stanley Kubrick enjoyed the quote by American novelist William S. Burroughs, “A paranoid is someone who knows a little of what’s going on.” Bentley Little fittingly paraphrases the adage early in his satirical tale of social tyranny, The Association....