100 Years of Horror 1996 Series Directed by: Ted Newsom Stars: Christopher Lee, Roger Corman, Hugh Hefner Reviewed by Brian M. Sammons In 1996 in the UK someone did a long, multi-part/multi-episode look at 100 years of horror in film. Rightfully enough they called it...
Silver Bullet 1985 Director: Daniel Attias Stars: Gary Busey, Everett McGill, Corey Haim Reviewed by Brian M. Sammons Based on the thin Stephen King novella (or is that novelette?) called Cycle of the Werewolf, this 1985 kid vs lycanthrope flick is, honestly, not that...
Attack of the Killer Tomatoes 1978 Director: John De Bello Stars: David Miller, George Wilson, Sharon Taylor Reviewed by Brian M. Sammons Perhaps the movie with the best title ever, Attack of the Killer Tomatoes is now out on Blu-ray from MVD’s new Rewind Collection,...
Opera 1987 Director: Dario Argento Stars: Cristina Marsillach, Ian Charleson, Urbano Barberini Reviewed by Brian M. Sammons When it comes to bloody, sexy, murder mysteries mostly from Italy, known as giallos, there are quite a few gifted directors, but one always...
IT 2017 Director: Andy Muschietti Stars: Bill Skarsgård, Jaeden Lieberher, Finn Wolfhard Reviewed by Brian M. Sammons IT. Everyone should know this one by now. Not just the groundbreaking Stephen King novel, not from the 1990 miniseries, but from this; the most...